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CAPA member Andrew Bonney shared an update on what’s happening at Cape Air and other interesting developments in the area.
Andrew Bonney is Chief Operating Officer at Cape Air, responsible for the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the airline's 75,000 annual flights and fleet of 98 aircraft.
He oversees 500+ employees, including the company’s pilots, mechanics and airport services personnel. Andrew is also a first officer for the airline. He joined Cape Air in 2007 as director of planning.
Over the ensuing 17 years he assumed progressively increased responsibility for the commercial side of the airline, eventually overseeing commercial planning, route strategy, revenue management, scheduling and marketing.
Prior to joining Cape Air, Andrew worked in the planning department of United Airlines, and before that interned in US Airways’ route strategy department.
Andrew earned his B.A. in Political Science from Yale University, and an MBA in Aviation, with distinction, from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
Andrew also is an officer in the Air National Guard, serving at Otis Air National Guard Base. He lives with his wife and their two high school-age children in Marion, Massachusetts. Andrew is an avid sailor, baritone in a church choir, and is the proud owner of a 1976 Beechcraft Sundowner which he keeps at New Bedford Regional Airport.
Holiday Dinner at Alberto’s in Hyannis
We hope to see you Alberto’s in Hyannis for a great time filled with camaraderie, dinner and lots of sharing of pictures and flying adventures.
We’ll start at 5:30 pm. The menu consists of a house salad, then your choice of: Chicken Parmigiana, Baked scrod, Pork Ossobuco, Farcite Napoletana, followed by coffee/tea and Tartuffo dessert.
Cost including gratuity and tax is $50 per person. Pay by check at the door, but RSVP is required by December 7th!
Please let Carol Kromer know if you’re attending, with how many and your choice of main course.
Also, please send your pictures and a caption to Rich Dupee by December 7th.
CAPA meeting, 6:30 pm. Atlantic Aviation
Please join us for the installation of the new officers and board of directors, Barry Kromer (President), Shelia Bauer (Vice-President), Sherry Grobstein (Treasurer), Lucy Young (Secretary), and Arlene Alexander, Carol Kromer, John Krug (Directors).
The installation is followed by a presentation from CAPA members Lucy Young and David Fisichella, who will share their experience flying out to Oshkosh Air Venture this year and more.
Pat McNamara is pleased to announce the call for applications and nominations for the 2024-2025 CAPA Board of Directors.
In accordance with our CAPA By-Laws, I have been asked b your Interim CAPA President to lead the CAPA Nomination Committee in seeking candidates for the 2024-2025 Board. CAPA has evolved and stretched to be a great organization for our Cape Area aviation community.
I hope that our new CAPA leadership will continue to play a key role in advancing our organization’s goals. I have communicated with all the individuals listed below, but if you are interested, I invite you to apply or nominate other candidates for the board.
Calendar for Nominations
September 14-29 – Call for nominations
October 2 - Deadline for nominations
October 2 - Election of 2024-2025 Slate of Directors
November 1 – Elected leadership begins for 2024-2025 CAPA Board of Directors
Criteria for Consideration
The following criteria are for the consideration of candidates for leadership of the Cape Area Pilots Association:
Steps to Apply or Nominate a Candidate
1. Submit name and contact info to Patrick McNamara, CAPA Nomination Committee via email to No Later than 2 October 2024 12 noon. Nominations from the floor during the in-person Annual meeting 2 October will be accepted.
Per the proposed by-laws, the Board of Directors for 2024-2025 will consist of 4 (four) officers and 3 (three) Directors.
Proposed slate for CAPA 2024 - 2025 nominations for the Board of Directors:
President – Barry Kromer
Vice Pres. – vacant
Treasurer - Sherry Grobstein
Secretary- Lucy Young
Arlene Alexander
John Krug
Carol Kromer
Thank you for helping to identify qualified and interested and voting for these candidates for our CAPA board. It is deeply appreciated.
I look forward to joining you at our upcoming 6:30pm Wednesday 2 October CAPA meeting @ ALOFT Aviation, 110 Mary Dunn Way,Hyannis MA 02601. Free pizza!
Patrick McNamara
CAPA Nominating Committee
and CAPA Program Volunteer
Meeting starts as always at 6:30 pm with free pizza.
Just a reminder, different location for the meeting on October 2:
Aloft Aviation, Eastramp, Gateway Hyannis Airport,
110 Mary Dunn Road, Hyannis MA 02601.
A zoom link will not be available, but we will try to record the meeting.
After the Annual meeting, a presentation by Eric Drugge, President of Aloft Avaiation, ATP SEL & MEL, COM SEA, CFI, CFII, A&P follows.
Eric’s passion for flying in New England led him to founding Aloft Flight, so he can share what he learned along the way! He will share much of that passion during the October 2 CAPA meeting.
Some 25 members shared free pizza and attended a lively discussion with lots of personal sharing about 9-11, now 23 years ago.
Christopher Hirl, Chief MSgt of the 102d Intelligence Wing (then 102d Fighter Wing), shared his experience with the F-15s that were scrambled to fly to New York that day and more.
When: September 4
Where: Atlantic Aviation, Hyannis
Arlene Myers introduced speaker Mark Hanson, who despite recovering from a bad cold, did a great job with his FAAST training Public Benefit-Compassionate Flying Intro & Safety Considerations.
Mark Hanson, entrepreneur, started flying in 2009 and soon discovered volunteer pilot opportunities. Since then Mark has flown over 450 volunteer missions for a variety of causes.
After 8 years of flying for and serving on the board of Patient Airlift Services/SkyHope in the northeast, Mark recognized the need to raise awareness for charitable aviation nationally.
In 2020 Mark joined the Air Care Alliance as a Vice President and Board Member to advance charitable aviation to both pilots and people in need.
Air Care Alliance nationally promotes and advocates for all types of public benefit flying by volunteer pilot member organizations.
This includes assisting with FAA regulation development, maintaining a Compassion Call Sign for volunteer pilots and other related work. There are more than sixty members of the Air Care Alliance.
A special thank you to Pat McNamara who donated the cheese, pepperoni and veggie pizzas from The Auld Triangle in Hyannis, and to Lucy Young who donated the drinks.
Treasurer Sherry Grobstein gave an update on CAPA Leadership. Arlene Myers is Interim President & Scholarship Chair, Lucy Young is Interim Clerk/Secretary and Erica Waasdorp is Interim Director.
Phil Boire is in charge of the scholarship raffles. Rene Haas in charge of the web site. Pat McNamara is Program Chair and he will chair the Nominating Committee. Jack Alexander chairs the By-laws Committee. Stay tuned for more updates before the annual meeting October 2nd.
John Silverberg, FAASTeam leader will give an update on the Falmouth Airport Accident December 2nd, 2022, Reducing LOC (Loss of Control) and weather related accidents, Pilot Actions Regarding Inflight Emergencies/Engine Malfunctions, Effect of wind on “Impossible Turn”, and Off Airport Landings.
Graeme J W Smith was born in Glasgow, Scotland and immigrated to the USA in 1999. His talk will focus on some of his childhood influences and how, when the opportunity arose, he picked flying from his bucket list.
In 12 years he has amassed 2,500 hours in 42 types and he will recount some of the adventures he has had along the way. You'll see him here even flying upside down!
Lucy Young will give an update on her career in the navy, as a pilot and her involvement with the movie Sully.
The meeting will be held February 1st, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at Atlantic Avaiation (formerly known as Rectrix Aerodrome), 730 Barnstable Rd, Hyannis, MA 02601. Keep an eye on any announcements in case it snows.
The 2022 CAPA Holiday Party is this coming Thursday evening, December 8th at the Hearth 'n Kettle, Route 28 in South Yarmouth. The party starts at 6 PM with cocktails and conversation, a congenial evening to refresh your friendships with old and new friends from our Capeaviation community. All CAPA members and friends are invited, as well as members of Hyannis EAA Chapter 51.
The October 6 CAPA meeting will feature a special in-person presentation by Garmin East Coast Manager Michael Kerrigan. This is your chance to become familiar with the many advances in cockpit technology and the latest product innovations.
Automation in the cockpit has added features for GA which previously were only available to airlines. The new Garmin autopilot has now been approved for many more models, the Garmin Autoland system is being installed on many more models, and if you're considering trashing the steam gauges and upgrading your panel to EFIS, Michael will explain the differences between a G3X and G500TXI.
Join your fellow Cape pilots this Wednesday night in Hyannis for an in-person gathering to improve your chances of avoiding a midair collision!
In the past 45 days, mid-air collisions in the landing pattern (Las Vegas and Watsonville, California) plus a couple of recent events at Hanscom Field (KBED) bring to our attention the need for a review of proper safety procedures during approach and landing.
Pilots are taught in early flight training that a good landing starts with a good traffic pattern. But the traffic pattern is more than just a gateway to a good landing. Improper pattern operations can be hazardous to all aircraft operating at that airport.
At Wednesday's monthly CAPA meeting our guest presenter will be FAA Aviation Safety Program Manager Stephen K. Brown. He will revisit those early lessons we were taught and discuss pattern entry/exit procedures, proper radio communications, and pilot behavior. This presentation will provide safety tips for use during daily flying, and cover some of the common errors associated with the traffic pattern.
You are invited to join for a tasty wrap up to Summer, 2022. As life this year gets slowly back to normal after two and a half years of the worst pandemic in 100 years, we celebrate life, friendships, and the joys of a mask-free Summer '22 under mostly blue skies..
This year will be the fifteenth year of the CAPA Summer Barbeque!
We also encourage people to fly in and put their aircraft on display on the grass in front of the "old gray hanger" adjacent to the picnic area.
DATE: Saturday August 27, 2022
TIME: 12-2 PM
PLACE: Falmouth Airpark (5B6),
And back we go to another great in-person CAPA meeting at Rectrix-Ross Aviation at Hyannis Airport with a safety seminar on the importance of proficiency.
Preparation is the key to success in any endeavor! At this FAA Safety Seminar, we will discuss how proficiency affected a long VFR summer cross country trip. Importantly. we will examine how preparation, along with recurrent training and proficiency made the difference to the pilot who made it to the ground safely after the engine quit!
Attend this seminar and discuss what decisions you would have made if it had been you! And the best part is getting together with your friends in the Cape flying community in the last meeting before Airventure.
The CAPA class of 2022 scholarship awards will be presented at the next CAPA meeting this Wednesday, June 1, 7 PM on Zoom. Sign in at 6:45 to socialize.
From ten aviation-enthusiastic applicants we have selected four outstanding Cape students pursuing aviation careers. The four awards are from $2,000-$3,000 and made possible by the generous donations of our members.
If you've watched one of these before you appreciate how moving it is to see the next generation of aviation professionals, all high achieving Cape area students. Congratulations to CAPA scholarship chairman Dr. Jeff Bauer for his superb recruitment of applicants.
Mark the date Wednesday, May 18th at 6:00 PM for our first CAPA Spring dinner in two years. Location will be the Hearth 'n Kettle, Route 28 in South Yarmouth.
Two presentations at the April 6th meeting:
First, KHYA manager Katie Servis will present an overall update on new developments, including changes affecting general aviation, the rebuilding of Air Cape Cod, new developments, and the return of the Southeastern Massachusetts Aviation Career Fair coming to KHYA in October.
Then CFII & ATC controller John Krug will present the brand new instrument procedures available for Falmouth Airpark (5B6) which became legal and active this week, Wednesday, March 23rd. The process took over 20 years with stops and start and roadblocks, but John stewarded it through with ex parte assistance from Shelia Bauer. Both are long time CAPA members.
The March CAPA meeting will feature a study of historical New England aircraft accidents, presented by FAA Safety Team manager Stephen K. Brown. The meeting will be held on Zoom.
Spring begins in just 4 weeks, and we begin Daylight Saving Time a week earlier, on March 13th! As we launch into another Cape flying season, brushing up on safe flying and an awareness of the pitfalls of Spring flying can help all of us make it a happy flying year.
As we begin the takeoff roll, no pilot expects to have an unhappy ending. But it happens to both experienced and inexperienced pilots. This study will show what happened to create unexpected outcomes
Flight instructor/former air traffic controller John Krug reviews the new Falmouth RNAV approaches, and a Dynon representative gives a full demonstration of the Dynon HDX series of affordable electronic flight instruments.
Veteran Boston Tower and TRACON controller Bob Adelizzi presents the intricacies of the Boston Class Bravo airspace; how to navigate through and/or around it, along with tips and tricks for effective pilot/ATC communication.
Chief Safety Inspector Stephen K. Brown reviews this past year's accidents in the New England area along with probable causes and accident prevention.
Local pilot and world record holder Jack Rosen shows us how to prepare and fly over the Atlantic in a single engine Mooney - over a dozen times!
A beautiful summer day with great food and lively company! Our first "live" in person meeting since the pandemic hit.
Scholarship Chairman Jeff Bauer presents five advanced aviation scholarships to five outstanding Cape Area Students
Cessna 182 pilot Paul Diette recounts his experiences flying in the UK, based at two former RAF airports.
Distinguished channel 5 meteorologist Mike Wankum explains the unique conditions that make weather forecasting in New England such a challenge.
Richard McSpadden presents "trapped in Ice". FAA Safety Manager Stephen K. Brown presents New England Aviation Accidents review.
CAPA members Richard Dupee and Sherry Grobstein show us how to build a brand new Vans RC-10.
Founder of Social Flight Jeff Simon presents a free mobile app & website that provides pilots with an interactive map of thousands of aviation events.
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